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Pig house forms

Pig house forms

Pig houses are divided into many types based on roof form, wall structure, presence or absence of windows, and arrangement of pig pens.

1. Classification by roof form

According to the roof form, it is divided into slope type, flat roof type, arch type, bell tower type and half bell tower type pig house (1) Slope pig house. Slope pig house is divided into single slope type, unequal slope type and double slope type> kind. The single-slope pig house has a small span, simple structure, ventilation and light transmission, good drainage, low investment and saving of building materials, but has poor thermal insulation in winter, so it is more suitable for small pig farms. The advantages of the unequal-slope pig house are basically the same as the single-slope pig house, but the thermal insulation performance is better than the single-slope pig house, and the investment is slightly more. The double-slope pig house can be used in various spans, generally double-row and multi-row types with large spans. This type of roof is often used in pig houses. The double-slope pig house has good thermal insulation, and if a suspended ceiling is installed, the thermal insulation performance will be better.

(2) Flat-top pig house The flat-top pig house can make full use of the roof platform, and the thermal insulation and waterproofing can be completed in one piece, without the need for a ceiling. The disadvantage is that waterproofing is more difficult.

(3) Arch pig house The arch pig house has a lower cost and can build long-span pig houses. The disadvantage is that the roof insulation performance is poor, it is inconvenient to install skylights and other facilities, and the construction technology requirements are also high.

(4) Bell tower and semi-bell tower pig houses. Bell tower and semi-bell tower pig houses are rarely used in pig house construction. This form can be considered in areas where heatstroke prevention is the main focus.

2. Classify according to wall structure and presence or absence of windows

Pig houses can be divided into three types: open, semi-open and closed according to the structure of the walls. Closed pig houses can be divided into windowed and windowless according to the presence or absence of windows.

(1) Open pig house The open pig house has walls on three sides and no wall on one side. It has good ventilation and lighting, simple structure and low cost. However, it is greatly affected by the outside world and it is difficult to solve the problem of cold protection in winter.

(2) Semi-open pig house A semi-open pig house has walls on three sides and a half wall on one side. Its thermal insulation performance is slightly better than that of an open pig house. In winter, if straw curtains or plastic sheets are hung above the half wall, the insulation performance can be significantly improved. Improve its thermal insulation performance.

(3) Window-type pig house A window-type pig house has walls on all sides and windows on the longitudinal walls. The size, number and structure of the windows can be determined according to local climate conditions. In cold areas, the south window of the pig house should be larger and the north window should be smaller to facilitate heat preservation. In areas with hot summers, in order to solve the problem of effective ventilation in summer, ground windows can be installed on the two longitudinal walls, or ducts, ventilation ridges, etc. can be installed on the roof. The window-type pig house has better thermal insulation performance. It can open and close the window sash, adjust ventilation and thermal insulation according to different seasons.

(4) Windowless Pig House The windowless pig house is highly isolated from the external natural environment. Only emergency windows are installed on the wall, which are only used for emergency power outages and are not used for lighting and ventilation. The ventilation, lighting, and temperature inside the house are Relying entirely on manual equipment control, it can better provide suitable environmental conditions for pigs, which is conducive to the growth and development of pigs and improves productivity. However, this kind of pig house requires a large investment in civil construction and equipment, and the equipment maintenance cost is high. When the external climate is good, ventilation and lighting need to be manually controlled, which consumes high energy. Most pigs using this type of pig house are pigs with higher environmental requirements. Such as sow farrowing room, piglet breeding room, etc.

3. Sort by pig pen arrangement

There are three types of pig houses: single row, double row and multi-row. Single-row pig houses are suitable for raising breeding pigs. Double-row pig houses are mostly closed pig houses. The pig pens on the north side have poor lighting and are prone to moisture inside. Multi-row pig houses are mostly used for fattening.



Contact: Leo

Phone: 13256872068

Tel: 13256872068


Add: Chengyang,Qingdao,Shandong,China